Our Favourite Kitchen Countertop Gadgets 2022
In a kitchen there’s no substitute for the basics. With a durable set of pots and pans, a good knife, a handful of solid kitchen tools, and a few half-decent appliances, you can whip together just about anything.
Plenty of new kitchen gadgets come out every year. You probably don’t need most of them, but if you’re looking to treat yourself, here are a few we think are worth the price tag and counter space.
Soda makers
For years, SodaStream has dominated the world of home soda makers, but the market is constantly evolving. In addition to the wide selection of fruity flavourings, brands such as Coke and Pepsi are creating their own syrups so you can make your favourite soft drink from the comfort of your own home.
SodaStream Fizzi One Touch
SodaStream Fizzi
DrinkMate iDrink
Average selling price: between $69.99 - $129.99
The AirFryer isn’t new but with COVID-19 sweeping the globe, many people have been filling their time trying new recipes. The AirFryer has proven to be a handy tool. Since air fryers require a fraction of the oil of a deep fryer, it means a healthier meal with similar flavors and textures.
Instant Vortex 4-in-1 Air Fryer
Instant Vortex Plus 6-in-1 Air Fryer
Ninja Air Fryer
Average selling price: between $79.99 - $169.99
Omni Pizza Oven
Your kitchen oven can’t really recreate a restaurant pizza. With a pizza oven, you can. They come in a variety of sizes and styles, and can often be found at your local home or hardware store. If you would like to step up to a custom brick or stone oven, check out one of the specialty shops throughout the GTA.
The Home Depot Canada
Ciao Bella Pizza Oven in Vaughan
Average selling price - $1,000 – $5,000
Looking to revamp your kitchen this spring? Selba Kitchens and Baths is here to help. Whether your style is contemporary, modern, or transitional, our talented and experienced team will guide you from start to finish. Call us today to learn more about our services: 905-660-1614.